JT Mix Sdn Bhd is a local and trusted Premix supplier, ready to help you meet your project goals, backed by superior customer service. When you need quality premix delivered on time, count on us. We strive to achieve local and global recognition for excellence through our key values of high performance, innovation, respect, integrity and sense of ownership.
Our Directions
Making the right business choices are more important that working hard! We go through economic recession by venturing into sustainable high volume projects with shorter scale size
Our Cultures
To become an ever growing company, a right company direction must accompany with the right working altitude and tools.
Our Info Backbone
To nurture High Execution Power, we implant Go Details, Honesty and Initiative in our working attitude.
Ensuring Highest Product Quality
JT Mix carefully produce high quality premix by continuous R&D and lab-testing the raw and finish product. The product produced widely accepted in both private and public sector because of its commitment to maintain the highest quality.
We Appreciate You
We give thanks to all our clients, supplier, banker& employees for continuous support. It wasn’t magic but all you and smart bold business decision that brought us through. Lastly, we strongly believe that business entities must not just measure the monies, but must create the added values to the community.